Class 6 – Syllabus


ENGLISH First Term Second Term

Who Did Parick's Homework?

A House, A Home …..

Where Do All the Teachers Go?

Who I am

The Wonderful Words


S1. A Tale of Two Birds

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master ?

4. The Kite

S6. The Monkey and the Crocodile

Fair Play


S2. The Friendly Mongoose

Taro's Reward

The Quarrel

S7. The Wonder Called Sleep

A Game of Chance



S3. The Shepherd's Treasure

7. An Indian -American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla

S8. A Pact with the Sun

Desert Animals

What if


S4. The Old-Clock Shop


S9. What Happened to the Reptiles

The Banyan Tree


S5. Tansen

9. A Different Kind of School


a) Kinds of nouns

b) Abstract nouns

c) Collective nouns

d) Subject and Predicate

e) Subject-verb agreement

f) Transitive and intransitive verbs

* Writing:

a) Informal letter writing

b) Notice-writing

c) Paragraph writing

d) Formal letter writing


a) Simple Tenses

b) Continuous Tenses

c) Modals

d) Perfect Tenses

* Writing:

a) Preparing a Slideshow

b)Newspaper report

c) Error correction - email writing

d) Paragraph writing

S9. S10. A Strange Wrestling Match


a) Co-ordinating

b) Subordinating conjunctions

c) Types of Sentences

d) Transformation of Sentences

* Writing:

a) Diary-writing

b)Writing a biography

c) Speech writing

d) Diary-entry


a) Phrases

b) Clauses

c) Direct and indirect speech

d) Active and passive voice

* Writing:

a) Formal Letter

b) Planning an itinerary

c) Describing a trip

d) Poster-making

MATHS First Term Second Term
1 Knowing Our Numbers Decimals
2 Whole Numbers Data Handling
3 Playing with Numbers Mensuration
4 Basic Geometrical Ideas Algebra
5 Understanding Elementary Shapes Ratio and Proportion
6 Integers Symmetry
7 Fractions Practical Geometry

SCIENCE First Term Second Term
1 Food Where Does It Come From Components of Food
2 Components of Food Motion and Measurement
3 Fibre to Fabric Light, Shadow and Reflections
4 Sorting Material into Groups Electricity and Circuits
5 Changes around Us Fun with Magnets
6 Getting to know Plants Water
7 Body Movement Air Around Us
8 The Living Organisms and their Sorroundings
9 Garbage In, Garbage Out

SOCIAL STUDIES First Term Second Term
1 What, Where, How And When? Ashoka the Emperor who gave up war
2 On the Trail of the Earliest People Vital Villages, Thriving Towns
3 From Gathering to Growing Food. Traders Kings and Pilgrims
4 In the Earliest Cities New Empires and Kingdoms
5 What Books And Burials Tells Us Buildings, Paintings and Books
6 Kingdoms, Kings and Early Republic
7 New Questions and Ideas

The Earth, Our Habitat

1 The Earth in the Solar System Major Land forms of the Earth
2 Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes Our Country - India
3 Motions of the Earth India: Climate, Vegetation Wildlife
4 Maps
5 Major Domains of the Earth

Social and Political Life

1 Understanding Diversity Rural Administration
2 Diversity and Discrimination Urban Administration
3 What is Government Rural Livelihood
4 Key Element of a Democratic Government Urban Livelihood
5 Panchayat Raj

COMPUTER STUDIES First Term Second Term
1 Computer Fundamentals Introduction to QBASIC
2 Advanced Features of Word Introduction to Adobe Flash
3 Graphics and Animation in PowerPoint Working with Tools in Flash
4 More on Excel Working with the Internet


प्रथम सत्र अभ्यासक्रम द्वितीय सत्र अभ्यासक्रम
१. आओ करें प्रणाम १. बतूता का जूता
२. हमारा राष्ट्रीय फूल - 'कमल ' २. इंद्रधनुष
३. मिस्टर खच्चर राम ३. बसंती हवा
* पठन हेतु ४. भारत की आत्मा
संत विनोबा भावे ५. लुक - छिप जाना
४. ग्रेसी ६. रहीम के दोहे
५. फर्र - फर्र उड़े पतंग ७. लक्ष्य
६. कुर्बानी *पठन हेतु
७. खेल - खेल में विज्ञान कौन सिखाता है चिड़ियों को
८. महकती तितलियाँ ८. फसलों के त्योहार
* पठन हेतु ९. नीलगिरि की जनजाति : टोडा
तानसेन *पठन हेतु
९. अनुशासन का महत्व साथी हाथ बढ़ाना

GENERAL KNOWLEDGE First Term Second Term
1 Topic 1 to 30 Topic 31 to 54


प्रथम सत्र द्वितीय सत्र
१. पाखरांची शाळा (कविता) १०. मोहम्मदची मर्दुमकी (साहसकथा)
२. कथा गंगेच्या उगमाची (अनुवाद कथा) ११. जत्रा (वर्णनात्मक लेख)
३. विचारधन -१ १२. विचारधन - ३
४. देव आणि दानव १३. उंच वाढला म्हणून मोठा होत नसतो (बोधकथा)
५. सागर (कविता) १४. हस रे माझ्या मुला (कविता)
६. साने गुरुजी (चरित्र) १५. हिशोबात काटेकोरपणा (कथा)
७. विचारधन - २ १६. नागपूर - महाराष्ट्राची उपराजधानी (स्थलवर्णन)
८. एकी हेच बळ (चित्रकथा) १७. अखंड (कविता - अभंग)
९. माणूस माझे नाव (कविता) निबंध

VALUE EDUCATION First Term Second Term
1 Ch. 1 to 4 Ch. 5 to 8

ART First Term Second Term
1 Topic 1 to 22 Topic 23 to 40